Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Passport Process

I went to the Post Office today to submit this bad boy:

I really only skimmed through it, so hopefully it doesn't say anything requiring me to do something I don't know about right now and will surely regret later. That could end badly for someone. Anyway . . . one scary picture and 150 bucks later, this is what I've got:


No, I didn't forget to upload a picture. Come on, guys. Passports take 4-6 weeks to come in the mail. But I'll let you know when that happens, because I know you're all excited to see that picture.

Til then...

Keep followin'----->>>>

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I really don't have time to be doing this right now, it being finals week (ish) and all, but I'm just so excited that I couldn't help myself. So here are a few interesting statistics about Thailand for you:

Population: 66,720,153
Life expectancy: 73.6 years
Religions: Buddhist 94.6%, Muslim 4.6%, Mormon probably like, .000001%
(thanks to indexmundi.com)

And here are some pics, just for fun.

So cute!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


After a pretty extensive application process, an interview, and a looong wait, I'm pleased to announce that I'VE BEEN ACCEPTED INTO THE THAILAND INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNSHIP PROGRAM! I know it's a mouthful, but don't worry, because it's much more than that! It's an opportunity for me to spend the summer in a foreign country doing development work with NGOs, hanging out with adorable Asian children, eating strange things, I'm sure, and expanding my cultural horizons.

I can't wait!