Saturday, June 2, 2012

I'm a country girl

Being in the city is distressing, I've decided. I always come home with a headache and a sore throat whenever I'm in the city all day. There is so much noise and smog and people and I just can't relax, especially when I'm by myself. I should probably be used to taking public transportation by now, but I'm not. Bartering with the truck drivers and trying to make sure I'm on the right truck is a pain, because nobody speaks English. And then, being me, I always imagine the worst-case scenario, which usually includes me missing my stop and being kidnapped by the driver.

My frenemy, the city.
Also, it's not uncommon to have more than 20 people crammed onto those things, which were made to seat like, 12 comfortably. Needless to say, I'm always a hot sweaty stress-case when I get off.

Okay, I'm making the city sound like a hell-hole. But it's not all that bad. The city is the happening-place and there are a lot of fun things to do. As long I have somebody with me and I know where I am and where I'm going, I'm fine.

Mashing curry paste in the Thai cooking class
Today, after a long day of Thai-cooking classes (my taste-buds had a blast), I took a truck home by myself because I wasn't feeling well. Everything went fine, but then after I got off at my stop I decided to walk the rest of the way, because it was still light out and from what I remembered, home wasn't too far away. Plus I needed some time to myself to clear my mind.

So walk I did.

After about 30 minutes I had a grand epiphany. Walking takes a lot more time than driving. The sun was starting to set and I knew I wouldn't make it home before dark, so I called my mom to pick me up. It was another 15 minutes before that blessed gray truck pulled up, and by then I was sure that I must have gotten lost, because there was no way it would take me that long to walk from the truck stop at the market to my house. But I soon discovered that I wasn't lost. I just had another good mile to go.

Never doing that again.

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